samedi 23 mars 2013

#Interview - CUMIKS [ENG]

Chez DieFrenchies, nous adorons la musique, quitte à virer parfois obsessionnelles compulsives (mais rassurez-vous,on se soigne). Ça tombe bien, nous avons atterris dans la capitale mondiale de l’électro, alors profitons-en. Autant que faire se peut, nous essaierons donc de vous faire partager nos découvertes et coups de cœur musicaux du moment. Pour ce premier entretien, nous avons eu ma chance de croiser la route de Cumiks, patronyme derrière lequel se cachent deux DJs espagnols à la bouille d’ange. Malgré leur jeune âge, ils sévissent déjà depuis une dizaine d’année, et ce n’est donc pas dextérité ou professionnalisme qui leurs manquent. Déployant une musique qui n’a rien à envier à Art Department, Cumiks s'est lancé à l’assaut de la capitale allemande fin 2012. La preuve irréfutable de leur talent ? Quand votre hôte/boyfriend/whatever, "berlinois de pur souche" se met à dodeliner de la tête sur leurs dansantes mélodies, et balance en fin connaisseur :  "c’est qui ça ? Ça m’étonne de toi dis donc, ça y’est, tu t’es achetée des goûts en musique ? Tiens, faudrait qu’on les book pour votre prochaine soirée (oui, tout berlinois qui se respecte organise des soirées)". Vamos !
1 - Origins

Hi guys! So, where does Cumiks come from? How did you guys meet?

The name comes from the combination of Cu+Miks, Alex's name was Cubic, and for Miki, well... easy to understand! One of Miki’s ex-girlfriends introduced us a while ago, around 2002 I think, we were so young...

Where did the idea to create music together come from?

Well, first of all we started talking about music, loads of talking, we had very similar tastes. And one day, (while we were a bit drunk) we said to each other almost jokingly: "why not making music together?". And that was it; we did our first live set 6 months later (2003).

2 - Style
Your music has a super present dance rhythm, almost groovy-like, as much as a very subtle and dark atmosphere. How do you combine those very different elements?

Yeah, for us all of those elements are absolutely necessary. To be really able to feel what we do, we need these, all together: the rhythms to dance endlessly, the grove to prevent us from stoping the party, and a dark atmosphere to make the hair stand on end :)... It's a perfect combination.

Where do you find your inspiration from?

Inspiration comes in strange moments, sometimes we are out, we see or listen to something, and this can trigger the inspiration process. To be honest, most of the inspiration comes from listening to music, ideas, and other stimulating situations...

How would you characterize your style?

It's really difficult to put a label here… We make house music with really deep melodies and ambient atmosphere; but it is not pure deep house.

3 - Live
What does “live” mean to you?

For us, live is to interact with people and to do whatever we want. It's really good when you are making the live set, playing some old songs, and then you touch the keyboard, and appears a completely new track... here is live for us!

Is it a very important and separated part of your work, or do you prefer being in the studio?

Studio time is a really necessary and personal part of our work, but playing live sometimes is necessary as well to see how the songs work together. We need 50/50 :)

Do you improvise sometimes?

Alex: Of course! I'm always improvising.
Miki: I need to have everything under control, but to be honest, nothing never goes as planned...

What are your best live memories so far?

Uhmmmm.... Maybe from a set we had in Cordoba (Andalucía). We played in a really huge "Plaza de Toros" with a lot of people there, until dawn. Was magic...

4 - Berlin
Why did you relocate to Berlin?

For love :-) We are currently located between Berlin and Horsens (Denmark)

Berlin is known for its huge minimal/electronic music scene. Isn’t it hard to differentiate yourselves from the rest, or is it just great to be surrounded by such an atmosphere?

Ad you said, it's really difficult to make your gap in Berlin, but with the Internet there is not just Berlin, we are playing in a worldwide stage, and to have the opportunity to be there is really good...

Where would you like to play in Berlin?

Panorama Bar of course :-)

Did Berlin inspire you in anyways? Places, musicians, artists…

Berlin is a really artistic city, but the most inspiring thing was the winter :-)

What do you prefer about Berlin? What don’t you like about it?

Uhmmmm the best thing about it is the people... there are a lot of intersting/ed people here. But it would perhaps be really nice if we had more light!

 5 - End
What are your plans next?

We're gonna realese some new stuff in a Berliner label, and we're making monthly mixtapes... wer'er so glad about that!

What can we wish you?

Music, a lot of music, and of course health.

A bit of French for the last words?

Uhmmm voulez-vous coucher avec Cumiks ce soir?? Merci!! (nous, on dit "ouiiiiiiiiiiiii")

 Let the music speaks:

Find them on Facebook at and on soudcloud at soundcloud.cumiks

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